Okay, boys and girls, you heard the man. Act.
And incidentally, you don't need to go to the streets to act. Talk to your co-workers, your fellow students, your boss or your boss's boss. Start a discussion on institutionalized racism over lunch. Tell your family members. Write a letter to an editor. Or to Reed Walters (now, there's a thought!). Email the New York Times and let them know what you think of their giving Walters a platform to bash Black folks with Jesus, no less. Tell the Kansas City Star what you think of Jason Whitlock's "commentaries." Support your local Black and Latin@ cultural programs. Volunteer to mentor a poor kid in a poor school. Speak up and speak out. Because we all live in Jena and that's a fact, Jack!
..OR become a tutor or mentor. I can't tell you how influential they were when I was a kid.
Well, maybe you just did, ACT. If you're a conflict theorist now, you've come a long way from needing a tutor/mentor. And you're dead right. Even an hour or two a week can make it possible for a kid to survive who might not otherwise. If people just understood how little it takes to give a child some hope, they'd be ashamed not to do something.
On Jena, I am assuming you've heard of this?
damn, just got this memo...
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