"About what?" I asked.
"That there's definitely going to be a Civil War in this country over race," he responded.
"But we could change that if we want to," I countered.
"But we won't," he continued.
I searched his face, looking for something, anything, I could pin hope to.
"Kennedy said, 'Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.' That suggests that we have a choice. We don't have to make peaceful change impossible..." I said quietly.
But he was already gone, his back passing through the door of my classroom on his way to tomorrow.
Not all of your students have walked out the door and back into ignorance. ..but I'm sure I don't have to tell you that.
Your passion is inspirational, I only hope that my passion will carry me as far and as long.
It will, Marc. You were already thinking when you got to me. Still, thanks for the kind words. Oh, yeah, and good luck in law school. Keep me posted, okay? I may need you someday. ;^)
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