Thursday, April 09, 2015

Which Of These Is Not Like The Others...?

None of them. They're all the same. And they are not the problem.

The problem is White Supremacy. That's what puts men like these in uniforms and gives them permission to kill.

The solution to this problem is to dismantle White Supremacy.

This is not a complicated idea. But the process of doing it may be.

Wanna help?

1 comment:

  1. Your post notes: "The solution to this problem is to dismantle White Supremacy.

    This is not a complicated idea. But the process of doing it may be.

    Wanna help?"

    Yes...and doing it is not only complicated but risky. I recently had occasion to suggest that an activity planned by a group risked feeding into negative racial stereotypes. You would have thought I threatened to harm their families or something (this is a group of white 'liberals'). The reaction was intense, immediate and absolutely rejecting of my observation. (I'm an elderly white male)

    I'm thinking it might be wise to wear a helmet and body armor when trying this sort of thing.
