Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Angela Davis on Palestine, G4S, and the Prison Industrial Complex

With Israel's aggression against Gaza currently demanding our daily attention, here is a YouTube video of Angela Davis speaking in Great Britain last year about Palestine, G4S (a hyper-security enterprise operating now in 120 countries), and how both relate to the treatment of undocumented immigrants and the prison industrial complex. It starts out slow, but hang in there. I promise you that you won't be sorry.

The department and university where I teach are bringing Angela Davis to our campus to speak this fall and I, for one, am very excited at the prospect. She is one of my heroes for a range of reasons, has been for a long time, and continues to raise the bar for me as the years go by. I give you Angela Davis.


  1. How exciting. She's also one of my heroes and I am glad you'll have a chance to hear her in person...and maybe to interact with her. Excellent!

    You have been gently dismissive of my efforts to get you to look at veganism as a logical step toward disavowal of all oppression of living beings...if you get a chance to talk to Dr. Davis you might ask her about her vegan journey. :-) (http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/01/24/vegan-angela-davis-connects-human-and-animal-liberation/)

  2. "Gently dismissive..." I'm going to remind myself of this phrase when I'm despairing of students who resist. :^) You are a good teacher, Veganelder. I am glad you are in my life. And I will read the article. Thank you.
