Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mr. Wendal, et al (of us?)

As things get worse and worse in our communities (and unemployment just got worse in 43 states out of 50), more and more of us become increasingly nervous about the future.

My students are worried -- and rightly so -- that the educations they're putting together with so much effort may not save them in a culture on its way to a pit from which we will more than likely not recover. Ever. At least not in the state we dream about.

But Arrested Development knew when they made this song that "civilization" means being more civil, not being more powerful or even richer. Hold that thought.


  1. "civilization" means being more civil, not being more powerful or even richer. Hold that thought.

    Thank you. Now that the thought is so succinctly formulated, I'll be better able to hold it.

    (What was it that Gandhi said, when asked what he thought of Western Civilization? Wait, surely Google knows . . . ah yes: "I think it would be a very good idea.")

  2. Good morning, Macon. Yeah. I love that Gandhi quote.
