Saturday, January 02, 2010

Here Comes 2010, Ready or Not

"In addition to the traditional concept of true commitment that means you are willing to die for what you think is right, make equal space for the concept of commitment that means you are willing to live for what you believe." -- June Jordan


  1. Thanks for sharing that song..the images were inspiring and I only wish, wishing was sufficient.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Great point by Jordan, I hadn't read it before and I am INTO it.

  3. We have to start somewhere, @rijino1. Wishing comes first and then action.

    Profecero: I know you are. It's a pleasure to know you exist. I hope this year brings pleasant surprises for all of us.

  4. Inspiring give me thought that what I might do may just be a small drop in a large bucket but it's something. No matter how small it can inspire someone and cause a chain reaction.

  5. That's exactly how I see it, Art.

  6. We all have to start somewhere!

  7. Actually, Bigmac, many of us feel so hopeless at the magnitude of the challenges before us that we don't even try to address them. We might even spend a lot of time and energy trying to deny they exist. But in the end, yes, you're absolutely right: we can, in fact, just start. Somewhere. And really, it's the difference between being alive and dead.

    I just watched "The Deacons for Defense" again a couple of times recently. It's a feature film starring Forrest Whitaker about the African-American men in Bogalusa, Louisiana, who picked up guns to protect their community from the White racists in the 1930's -- a true story, by the way. I'm not recommending picking up guns, but the way they had to emancipate themselves from mental slavery to band together is very inspiring, I think.
