Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jayshawn Augusto In The House!

I presume everybody else on the internet has already seen this kid. Maybe a bunch of times. And frankly, I hate the fact that there are unquestionably thousands of super bright young African-American intellectual whiz kids out there who will never wind up in front of a video cam because THAT doesn't make the news. But really, this kid deserves some attention anyway. His name is Jayshawn Augusto. He's eleven years old. And he just might be the Mohammed Ali of basketball. Prepare to be amazed.


  1. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Geez that newsman didn't need to call that kid a "freak of nature." Sheesh. Really, even though that kid blew my mind away and I'm actually jealous of his ability to hold so much oxygen, that didn't mean that newsman didn't need to try and make him an outcast! Keep chasin ur dream, Jayshawn, you are way better in doing the mile than I will ever be!!! my fastest mile was a lousy 6:30!!!

  2. Good point, Anonymous. Obviously, Jayshawn has some natural talent, but he also has worked his young behind off and he has the absolute encouragement and support of adults in following his dream. To bundle all that into a "freak of nature" designation is the usual White practice (whether intended or not) of saying that no person of color ever achieves anything by effort - they're just "freakish" curiosities worthy of note, but not of respect.

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    What!?!?!? There is no racism here! The kid is simply amazing, supernatural, a freak of nature. In the same way that Lance Armstrong is (exp. his resting heart rate is unbelievably low).

  4. Anonymous10:06 PM

    this kid is just a kitten beast.he works and and achieves.no racism.

  5. Seems like someone is reading a bit too much into a simple phrase. If that kid was white, the guy might say the very same thing and you would not even notice.

  6. I also disagree with using the phrase "freak of nature," but I don't believe that it was racist in nature.
    Just a crap thing to say about a kid.

  7. It never fails to fascinate me which posts continue to get views long after the fact. Apparently, of all the many gut-wrenching considerations on this blog, this post on Jayshawn Augusto is one that garners such an on-going interest.

    I agree with you, Michael, that Anonymous very likely meant nothing derogatory in any way by using the term "freak of nature." You'll notice that my comment right after his/hers says "whether intended or not."

    My point was that it's important for us to remember that even though it often appears that there are humans who are born with "mad skills" of one kind or another, those skills seldom come to anything without a level of personal effort most of us would not be willing or able to expend. I wasn't accusing. I was just sayin' is all.

  8. Anonymous3:51 AM

    That is really just amazing! Can't wait to see that kid in NBA! He's trouly a wonderkid!

  9. Yes, indeed, Anon 3:51. If Ervin Johnson's nickname is "Magic," I wonder what they can come up with to describe THIS young man.

  10. Roger2:13 AM

    You get views because I wanted to know how to spell the kid's name and since it's two year ago wonder if he got any better.

  11. So, Roger, did he? You've got me curious now.

  12. I think this kid will be the next Michael Jordan, lol

  13. There was a time nobody could imagine a Michael Jordan. Who's to say Jayshawn won't surpass Jordan? No disrespect intended, but everything progresses.

  14. Anonymous11:20 AM

    lmaooo he says force of nature....and no one caught that. Watch the video sheesh.

  15. Hey, Anonymous. Thanks for the clarification. That'll teach me to pay better attention, huh? Jayshawn is definitely NOT a "freak." He definitely IS a "force." (*shakes head ruefully*)
