Sunday, August 03, 2008

Documentary on U.S. Slavery in the 20th Century

Last month, I posted about Antoinette Harrell's work in uncovering slavery in the United States in the 20th Century. This post has gotten a fair amount of attention in various circles, which is always a good thing. But even better is that Harrell has now brought out a 30-minute documentary entitled "The Untold Story: Slavery in the 20th Century".

I've been down to New Orleans twice for showings of the film and now have a copy of the DVD myself which I intend to show in my course on race this fall. This is a story that should be spread. If you have a forum or know of one where this documentary would be useful, I recommend it -- highly.

You may learn more about Harrell, her work, and the documentary, in particular, by visiting her new blog or her new website. And you may order a copy of the documentary for yourself or one for your local library by shooting her an email at

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