Saturday, September 29, 2007

"The Big Sexy" Strikes Out

It would be nice if I could get to my emails this morning. I just KEEP running across things I MUST post about. Modi (of both Kill Bigotry! and, more lately, fame -- both fine blogs by a truly fine writer) tipped me yesterday to his piece on Jason Whitlock.

You may have read my response to a recent Whitlock column posted last Sunday. Not being familiar with "The Big Sexy" -- what Whitlock calls himself (see photo above) -- and his meteoric rise as a writer in this country, I was fairly low key in my presentation. In his post, on the other hand, Modi knows and tells the backstory. This is one you really don't want to miss. It's worth reading for the writing alone. But it also describes in graphic detail a classic example of the effects of institutionalized oppression in the name of racism in this society.



  1. Jason's "meteoric rise," interestingly enough, came at about the same time that he began to regularly condemn perceived black misbehavior and the "hip hop culture." There's ALWAYS room for one more sellout at the top.

    Thanks for the recommendations. Stay cool.

    PS. Someone who was banished from your blog emailed me about three months ago and I just got around to reading it today. When DID you start collecting all of these no-nothing trolls anyway?


  2. Hey, ACT! Nice to "see" ya. Sorry if I chased my little buddy over into your space. Didn't mean to...and don't get many. Which is fine with me. If you didn't read modi's piece yet and need a really good laugh, check it out. Seems to me it's your kind of chuckle, too.

  3. Anonymous4:35 AM

    change, thanks you for your kind words. To truly understand some of the damage Whitlock does is to force yourself to read one of his reader comment sections. If there is anything out there that is more vomit-inducing I don't know. On his second Jena post I remember reading stuff like "thank you Jason for your courage and truth-telling" and "your critics take away from focusing on REAL racism". get the gist... I don't really recommend the exercise due to health concerns...

  4. Props where they're due, modi. And as for the damage Whitlock does, I already know. The person who sent me the commentary I read has a heart of gold, but nevertheless read the Whitlock piece and sent it to me asking, "Now, doesn't this guy have it about right?" It's what people who look like me WANT to hear, so, yeah, the damage runs deep, especially when you consider that the damage is not just being done to people of color, but to ALL people and the society as a whole. And Whitlock's being heavily rewarded for inflicting that damage. Sigh.

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    fully agreed and sigh indeed
