Sunday, January 14, 2007

Oh, Lord, I'm Back To School...

with little time to blog or visit blogs. Nevertheless, I want to point to a couple of things you should check out:

The first is "Freedom Writers." I expected it to be a re-make of "Dangerous Minds." All I have time to say is that it's better than that. Hillary Swank had the suave to stay out of the way and let the movie be the story of the kids whose work appears in the book, which I intend to buy. If you've been following my "How To Be An Ally" series, see this.

Secondly, Rachel introduced an excellent website this week called Understanding Race. It's a project of the American Anthropological Association and quite interesting. Kudos to Rachel for this.

Lastly, Peacechick Mary makes some important points here. They are not so much specifically related to race, but it's a short jump to understand the racial implications of her very astute and well-described observation.


  1. Thanks for the link. If anyone watches the movie, they will see that this mentality is the same as the Klan, only old school in finer clothes. They are truly the white supremest mindset with imperialist designs. I had hoped your classes would be settling into slightly mundane, but I doubt that your style will ever allow that.

  2. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Great links! Rachel's own MLK day essay is good, too.

  3. Hum, I left a comment here, did you delete it?

    Or did I just mess up on the word verification and didn't notice?

  4. Mary: when I get the hang of something, I usually amp it up a notch (to keep the challenge high, I guess), so I accepted an overload this semester. More lives to touch that way.

    PZ: Thanks for coming by. I went over to visit you this morning and it was a little strange...?

    bbc: We don't do racist or sexist jokes on this blog. It's a safe place for women and people of color.

    Rachel: I don't get over as often as I used to be able to do, but I get there. Good luck with your semester, too. For what it's worth, I'm feeling pretty comfortable this time. I just have a reeeeally full dance card. :^)

  5. good luck changeseeker- i have learned much from here and your links this past semester- i look forward to more this semester. thanks for helping the scales fall from my eyes.

  6. Hi Changeseeker! Thanks for the linkage. I haven't seen Freedom Writers yet, but fyi here's a piece Sylvia of The Anti-Essentialist Conundrum wrote as well. Anyway, keep up the great work, and good luck with the schoolwork! Cheers.

  7. Howdy from Oklahoma. My wife and I are high school English teachers in urban Oklahoma City high schools. My school is 70% African-American. Her school is more diverse with large Hispanic, Black, Asian and White populations. My school has all the problems of urban schools. Our students are 90% free/reduced lunch. We have a negative school environment, poor discipline, high absenteeism, high drop out, poor attitude. I've been here 13 years.

    Recently, I read that black males who drop out of school are twice as likely to be unemployed or in prison than they are to have jobs. So I feel that I can't give in to despair and that I have holy mission to be here. But I wish I felt more competent. I know how to survive in my school, but I worry that my teaching is ineffective. I'd be glad to get whatever help you can offer me.


    Lynn Green
    John Marshall High School
    Oklahoma City, OK

  8. Shoot, Lynn--why don't you just ask me a hard question? I mean, don't hold back now...


    (I will respond in a post, my brother. As soon as I finish the reading for this week. Come back in a few hours, okay?)
