Sunday, December 31, 2006

Should New Acquaintances Be Discovered

I guess everybody's got their thing, huh? I spent my whole new year's eve so far reading the new Erase Racism Blog Carnival. And it's the best one yet. There's a few old favorites and a bunch of great folks I hadn't read before. Christina did a terrific job of putting it all together and deserves many readers.

Being as you won't probably see this until 2007 (snicker), I suggest you do yourself a huge favor and read it as your first act of the new year. It'll take a minute because there's more than a couple, but it'll be kind of like visiting folks on a holiday, going from house to house, shaking hands and sipping egg nog and bonding with those who wish us all well.

As for me? Well, while you're going from blog to blog, feasting on the hearty fare of speaking truth to power, I'll be dutifully posting a new blog entry for the new year--a year in which I wish us all the joy of growing, the satisfaction of knowing, and the blessing of peace.


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    See my response to your comment on my blog: you were in my dream! We met to visit, and watched music videos! (Detail not in the other comment: we also went to the movies, but the music videos we had brought ourselves were better!)

  2. I'm thinking about your dream, as presented in your blog comment. I think we are starting to meet. To communicate in ways more complicated than intellectual. Hmmm...
