Wednesday, September 20, 2006

5th Erase Racism Blog Carnival Now Up

The 5th Erase Racism Blog Carnival is up over at Black Looks. This is the first time the carnival has been hosted outside of the United States. Huzzah! And a nod to those who were in a position to make this choice. Greetings to our African sisters and all the new voices who are heard at this excellent presentation. Long live the international blogosphere!!


  1. Great link - and note, there is an odd thread on race at Moshka's blog. Intervention of some sort could be helpful.

  2. I don't know if you'd call it intervention. I dropped by and threw a kaniption fit, as my mother used to say. Next time, you do this, it would be helpful to give me a link. I had to go to your blog first and then over. :^) Wah! Wah! Wah! (And I was getting ready to go to bed, too, and that was an hour ago--thank you very much.) Honestly, what would I do without my blog friends? :^)

  3. Changeseeker… First time I’ve seen you, spotted you on Mary’s blog, have you read ‘Think On These Things” by J. Krishnamurti? Love your blog, I love intelligent women, I know so few of them.

  4. Well, I'm glad you like the blog, BBC, but I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place to make a statement like "I know so few intelligent women." That is to say, there are plenty of intelligent women. Either you're talking to the wrong ones. Or the intelligent ones aren't talking to you. Either way, it's about you and not them. :^) I haven't read Krishnamurti. But I've read much that is probably similar. Gotta go back to grading papers now. Sigh. Thanks for giving me an excuse to pause for a moment.

  5. You are right, I do talk to many of the wrong women. But they are what is available to me at my age. They just don't get it that they are available because they have so many attitudes.

    Love and Peace. Change is good. BBC

  6. Absolutely! Loud and clear! Thank you...

  7. You're more than welcome, P-man. Anytime. Anytime. ;^) And thank you...

  8. Group hug, we are one. ((Hug)))
