Sunday, August 13, 2006

Generation Her

Blackamazon took the varnish off the woodwork over at her blog with this post. It's her response as a young woman of color to all the "data" and analysis on how Generation Me lies, cheats, and doesn't care about anything. She folds race, class, and gender into a most ferocious pudding and the comments thread (featuring primarily a dialogue between BitchLab and Blackamazon) just keeps the party going. Sometimes, I border on hopefulness...


  1. Wow! What a powerful young woman. I hope she keeps the noise going. I don't think she knows how much we need her if this world is to be a better place. She is very valuable.

  2. Hey - (re your question:) your links and blog are working for me. Not in Portugal.

    Thank you for all the great comments!

    Re Virgil Suarez: yes, contact him & mention me. Say hi.

    Re New Orleans: yes, virtually any weekend except Labor day.

    Re blogging in general: yes, it is incredibly creative and therapeutic.
    I am afraid mine may wilt some as the semester starts, too.

    Re: recent posts on yours, videos: I need to catch up!!!

  3. Thanks for the heads up. Read the post and LOVED it. I'll be returning regularly for repeated dosage.

  4. ACT, I wouldn't steer you wrong. ;^)

  5. I know you wouldn't! Keep it up!
