Sunday, July 23, 2006

Four Things We Can Do

I've been moping around because I felt I couldn't do anything about the situation in Lebanon. But thanks to Mccs1977, I found two things we can do and then added a couple more things to the list. We can:

1) read and support our blogger sister, Mana, blogging from Beirut here ;

2) contact and send financial help to a group that can be found here and is coordinating efforts to cover the needs of the refugees who are pouring into Beirut;

3) start reading the press from other countries, such as this article and not just U.S. news media. This will create unity of understanding with our sisters and brothers worldwide rather than seeing ourselves as separate; and

4) get on The Peace Train here. All aboooard!

It is something. It is solidarity. It is peace-making.

Thank you, Mccs1977.


  1. I'd be honored, Glenda. Thanks for asking.

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Changeseeker you are the voice of reason, the voice of empowerment, the voice of a better world. I will do what i can to assist. U know wher I am at if ever needed.

  3. Thanks, Jason. I got your back, as well.

  4. thanks for the fabulous list!

  5. Thanks for dropping by, Nubian. You are always welcome at my house.
