Friday, April 09, 2010

Guess Who?

Lewis Carroll once wrote: "The time has come," the walrus said, "to speak of many things..." And today, the time has come for me to begin to step up the pace. I want to publish my books. I want to travel around and talk about the things I write about on this blog.

In the sixties, Bob Dylan sang, "The times they are a-changing" and it's true again. Only this time, they're changing in terrible ways. We can no longer pretend that everything is just somehow going to work itself out. "We have to become," said Gandhi, "the change we want to see in the world."

I'm ready. Here I come.

The Dream is Alive, But is the Hope? (Part 1)

The Dream is Alive, But is the Hope? (Part 2)


  1. Great speech with great points.

  2. Thanks, Will. I appreciate your checking it out.

  3. I like "in your face" kind of revelations and this was very much one of those for me. One of the reasons it's easy for white people to pretend racism doesn't exist lies in the fact that we don't have it constantly hanging over our heads. Ignorance does not equal stupidity but chosen ignorance does. Maybe if people realized that there would have been better attendance. It was very informative, interesting, and eye opening. Keep it up. If you speak loudly enough, people have to listen.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Jailee. Unfortunately, some people listen and then freak out (see the "Tea Party" movement, for example). Still, I couldn't stop doing what I'm doing if I wanted to.
