Thursday, December 31, 2009

Taking a Moment to Reflect

As the old year slips away and the new one slides into place, let's consider this painting by Goya and this line attributed to Rebecca Adamson:

"If we don't change direction, we're going to end up where we're headed."
Nuff said?



  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Greetings from my Brazilian slum (yes, I am living in one -- not a favela or shantytown though, a more upscale place than that, but still a slum I swear; it took me a while to figure that out but once I did, I understood it.)

    I am informed this decade will turn us left. Let us hope.

  2. Ah, Profacero, an adventure! How splendid! And here's hoping your informant is correct. They better be, I'm afraid, or...else?
