Friday, October 03, 2008

Two White Men Hugging

Some folks think I never have anything good to say about White people (despite the way I look and the fact that I like myself and others like me just fine, thank you). So here's a photo of two White men hugging. Now, that's positive, right?



  1. Ugh, not THOSE two men! No, that's not positive, not at all. But a point that photo's fame makes actually is positive, after all, that point being the one that Biden repeatedly made last night ("a vote for McCain is a vote for more Bush," etc.) and that Palin repeatedly denied ("but he's so mavericky!" etc.).

  2. "Mavericky," huh? Well, I guess that's one way to put it...

    *shakes head*

    Certainly doesn't look very "mavericky" in this photo, does he, Macon?

  3. Nope, he shore don't!

    Did you notice that Tina Fey used "mavericky" in her parody last night? She must read your blog!

    Hyuck hyuck. (I'm practicing my folksy-isms for when McCain gets elected and then dies.)

  4. Why is it, I wonder, that I can't help but think that if McCain/Palin are elected and he dies, she will instantly morph into something bizarre like out of a horror movie -- a kind of "President Strangelove" complete with hand-rubbing and a mad chuckle ("I've got you NOW, my pretties!")? Is it just me or could there be more to this "candidate" than meets the eye?
