Friday, August 08, 2008

Shemekia And Me

I've been crying the blues for the whole last year since I got to Louisiana because it turns out that "the blues" are a little harder than I expected for a busy woman who looks like me to find these days -- even in the South. But I did my work (and then some), went through my trials and tribulations (and some other people's), and now I'm facing another school year right around the corner. So I need a BIG exhale in the worst way and I am deadly ready to paaaa-rty!

Fortunately, it's time for the Sunflower BluesFest in Clarksdale, Mississippi, only five hours away. So my running buddies and I are headed north today and, just like Shemekia Copeland (who'll be there, too), I'm a wild, wild woman. Imah'na find me a coupla good dancers in Clarksdale and wear. them. out.

See ya Sunday, if I can still type. ;^)

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