Monday, June 11, 2007

Why Can't We Live Together?

This post is dedicated to Nezua Limon Xolagrafik-Jonez, The Unapologetic Mexican, as well as Sami Al-Arian and his family, and all other humans of color in a world full of people who just don't get it. Blessings.


  1. thank you, changeseeker. today, this means a lot.

  2. I've been backed in a corner before. It's hard, but you'll come through it. And in the meantime, who can resist a little Santana? (((x)))

  3. Yeah, I knew the song I wanted and when I came across this video of it, I was knocked out. I've played it numerous times now and it hasn't gotten old yet. I remember strolling barefoot through a park in San Francisco in the early seventies listening to Santana play for free...

    Why can't we live together?

