Sunday, April 08, 2007

Kiri Needs Our Support

Those of you who remember Kiri Davis, budding young film-maker extraordinaire, may want to hustle right on over to CosmoGirl to vote for her in a contest, the prize for which is a $10,000 scholarship. Apparently, you can vote again every day for the duration (which I certainly intend to do), but we'll need to generate the support of others, as well, if we want to put her over the top. She certainly deserves whatever efforts we can generate on her behalf. I, for one, am delighted she's in the running. The most impressive nod I got at the age of sixteen was a ticket to Illinois Girl State. Davis has already established herself nationally. I just LOVE the internet. And talented young people. And Bronze Trinity, who gave me the heads-up this morning.


  1. Everyone vote every day - she's slightly behind right now!!! But only slightly!

  2. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Now she is in second place, barely, but the first one is way out ahead. Everyone has to keep voting!

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I almost blew it for today.

  4. A friend of mine sent this to me a few days ago. Vote early and vote often.

    I'm back, btw.


  5. There have been 25,000 votes so far and Davis is within 800 of the lead!! So let's get out there and push.

    ACT: Glad to have you back. Sociology forever!
