Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, As It Were?

Last night, I got an email informing me that "Black.White." came out on DVD yesterday. Apparently, they decided to email every blogger who mentioned the show back when it was on to say that they could get a copy of the DVD set for mentioning it again. Well, hell, yes!

Now, some of you already read what I wrote about this show. I haven't changed my mind and if you didn't catch it the first time around, you can read about it here or here or even here. A whole bunch of you probably saw the show anyway, developing your own opinions about it. And some of you would probably like to know it's now available (see this).'s available. I intend to add it to my collection and show clips in classes to illustrate various points I make in the blog posts. Thanks for reading this so I can get a freebie. Oh, yeah, and you can tell 'em Changeseeker sent you. Won't get you a discount. And they couldn't care less. But I just couldn't resist saying that.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...


  1. I don't watch TV unless it's a very special event, so I had no idea what this was about. Never heard of it. Call me cave woman today.

  2. I didn't see it all either, Mary, but I saw enough through one mechanism or another. Students kept bringing me tapes. It was ugly, I tell you, uuuugly. :^)

  3. How come I didn't get an email? Not that I ever need to see that program again, but still. When you get it, you'll have to let me know if anything of substance is said during the bonus cast interviews. The only thing I would like to see is some positive outcomes for Nick. For the last few episodes, I just kept hoping that his parents were watching the show on TV and seeing that they have failed their child miserably.

  4. Actually, I have no idea how the emails went out, Princess. I just assumed that they blanketed since I wouldn't have thought I would have gotten one otherwise, but who knows? If they mail it, I'll let you know.
