Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Arundhati Roy on Israel and Palestine

I know I've been hiding out for more than a week now, but I'm finally working on a post--on what European-Americans need to know to be allies of people of color. In the meantime, while you're waiting, you can watch this 10-minute video of Arundhati Roy talking about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Then, while it's fresh in your mind, put the current war against Lebanon (and U.S. involvement in it by providing weapons to Israel) into the context of what you've seen in the film.

You might want to particularly note Winston Churchill's historic statements on how he felt about what the Europeans did to people of color as they imperialistically spread their various empires...


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Here are three links to some excellent articles on the topic. The first is from The Guardian, reporting on a speech Tony Blair made in LA on Tuesday. The second two are opinion pieces ran in the People's Daily (China) and Al Jazeera. All pose some food for thought! Enjoy!,,1835385,00.html

  2. Thanks, Glenda. I appreciate that. I'd love to work with you.

    And thanks to you, too, Anonymous. Gotta eat something and start moving toward bed right now, but will surely check these articles out tomorrow.

  3. Very powerful video. I'll send it along - unfortunately the ones who receive it from me are already members of the choir. Thank you for posting.

  4. You never know, Mary. It's a nice little bit of film. If we pass it back and forth enough, maybe a few new folks will see it. And just because we're in the choir, doesn't always mean we can all sing. Know what I mean?

    Besides, I loved watching this, if for no other reason, just to see how beautiful and calm Arundhati Roy is even while she does her very crucial work. I long to appear that centered. Mostly, I just wind up lettin' 'er rip. I guess that has it's place, too. But I greatly admire her style.

  5. Churchill was a complex guy.

    look forwrd to seeing the video later.
